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State-funded social services

The Social Integration State Agency coordinates the following state-funded social services:

1. Social rehabilitation services:

2. Social rehabilitation services for children addicted to psychoactive substances.
3. Social rehabilitation services for adults addicted to psychoactive substances.
4. Social rehabilitation services for victims of trafficking in human beings.
5. Long-term social care and social rehabilitation services for children:

6. Long-term social care and social rehabilitation services for adults with severe mental disabilities.
7. Long-term social care and social rehabilitation services for adult blind persons.

The Social Services Accounting Department is responsible for coordination of social services, which includes:

  • the opening of administrative proceedings in the case of a person;
  • taking decisions within the administrative process of a person (for example, taking a person in line for the receipt of services, providing services, refusing to grant services, etc.);
  • maintenance of lines of service recipients;
  • provision of consultations regarding the procedures for the receipt of services.


Solvita Zviedre

Head of Social Services Accounting Department
Solvita.Zviedre [at]

Gundega Ievīte

Sociālo pakalpojumu uzskaites nodaļas vecākā eksperte
Gundega.Ievite [at]